Post Thanksgiving Detox Plans

If you over indulged this Thanksgiving week and are looking to push the reset button on your diet, doing it before the next holiday festivities is a good time. Often the word “detox” brings to mind the give-it-all-up-cold-turkey diet or days filled with dark green “earthy” juices.  However, we’ve put together a 3 easy holiday detox options to help you re-energize your mind, body and spirit.  You can do one or all of these to help stay healthy during the holidays.


Replace all liquid calories with water.  Water is the best way to clean out all the toxins (liquid or solid) you may have consumed over the holiday.  Start with a 2-week water detox and if you are feeling great then go for a month.  You are still eating a healthy diet so you could continue this detox for as long as you feel motivated.

No Alcohol in between events

We live in wine country, so we know it’s not always practical to avoid booze entirely. Plus the holiday events can sometimes feel endless, so it’s more practical to keep up with a routine that is sustainable over one that is temporary. Save the booze for special events only. This month, avoid the post-work glass of wine and the happy hour meetups.

Intermittent fasting

The word fasting often scares many people off but intermittent fasting isn’t what you think it might be.  Intermittent fasting only lasts for 15 hours.  During this time you will consume limited or no calories.  If you think about it we all fast, we just call it sleeping.   The best way to do an intermittent fast is to stop eating at 9:00pm and wait until lunch the next day to consume your first meal, you can enjoy black coffee in the morning.  For lunch your meal should consist of high quality protein like grass-fed beef and “the good” fats like avocado. 

Pick and choose which tips to use and let’s get ready for the next holiday!

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