Happy Black History Month! As many may know, Calistoga Fit and Donavan’s Wellness Solutions is a black-owned business. Our owner, Donavan Almond sat down with our marketing coordinator this week to discuss his personal and professional experiences, and what Black History Month means to him. Let’s dig into it! You can listen to the full interview here.
Yoga seems to be the hot new fitness trend across the world. It’s a common thought that yoga is simply another form of exercise, which it is! However, yoga is actually a complete physical, mental, and spiritual experience. Yes, yoga can increase your flexibility and help your muscles have room to grow in the gym, but it is so much more than that! Here’s 5 ways yoga and meditation can benefit your current fitness regimen.
Exercise is a large contributor to a healthy, active lifestyle. It can lead to tremendous benefits to your long-term mental and physical health. When we exercise, our brains release endorphins, the “feel good” chemical that can eliminate stress and pain. However when we exercise, it’s common to get sore muscles immediately after, or even the following days.
When it comes to working out consistently, motivation comes and goes. Some days we are feeling extra passionate about the gym, and some days we would rather order a pizza and chill on the couch. Rest days are great (and necessary), but how do you return to the gym after a period of burnout, boredom, or lack of motivation? Especially in our 21st century society, “getting by” can be one of the most arduous tasks out there. Something that helps us to stay motivated is MUSIC! Whether you play a motivational playlist while you’re getting ready, mixing your preworkout, or on your way to the gym, music is one of the best ways to get yourself in the gym mood. Here are our Trainer’s top playlists to get hyped before or during your workout.
With so many dietary ideas wandering around the world, it’s hard to know what information is factual and what information is fake. Sometimes we’ll hear specialists and doctors tell us that we should be taking vitamins and supplements. But why? Are they really necessary? Supplements can be important for many reasons, here’s why we think so!
Are you making a Fitness Resolution this year? Beware: more than half of all New Year's Resolutions go forgotten by March. However, this doesn’t have to be you! Whatever fitness goal you have for yourself this New Year is achievable. Here are our 5 Trainer Tips to help you keep yourself accountable, and achieve those goals!
Winter is officially here which means new foods! Each season has its designated “superfoods”, foods high in antioxidants and packed with nutritional value, including Winter. Keep reading to find out which foods you can get your hands on this season and how they can benefit you!
As the seasons change and dark and gloomy weather is more and more prevalent, many people’s moods shift. While not everyone can feel the effects of the shifting seasons, some people suffer severely from seasonal mood change or seasonal depression. With the threat of viruses on the rise this year in particular it is especially important to prioritize your mental health. For many people, the ability to gather with loved ones is limited which can worsen the effects of seasonal depression so we’ve outlined some safe and natural remedies that anyone can use to combat the effects of seasonal depression.
Whether you work from home or are choosing to spend more time at home, taking your workouts indoors is easy and we’ve got some tips on working out at-home or indoors this Fall and Winter season.
With the threat of COVID-19 and cold/flu season here it's more important than ever to take care of your body and prioritize your immune system. The following tips can help you stay healthy during Fall and Winter while giving your body the tools to help you fight against viruses.
With colder weather and the Holidays just around the corner, our Summer foods are going out of season leaving us with our Fall favorites. Each season has its designated “superfoods”, foods high in antioxidants and packed with nutritional value, including Fall. Keep reading to find out which foods you can get your hands on this season and how they can benefit you.
Staying active and keeping up with your normal exercise routine is crucial to keeping your body and immune system on high alert.
With new CDC, State, & County guidelines on fighting the spread of COVID-19, gyms are now ready to reopen! In compliance with health and safety regulations Calistoga Fit will look a bit different than before, so here is what you can expect when we reopen.
As the world shifts to online school, work, and meetings, other industries have made a change to go online, including fitness. The fitness industry is being put to the ultimate test with gyms and studios temporarily closed. In order to rise to the occasion, fitness must move to virtual modalities, from classes to private training.
If you cannot head to the gym then don’t worry, cardio can be done at home! With little to no equipment necessary, cardio is the easiest form of exercise to get away from the gym, so whether you already have some jump ropes or not, you can get a great cardio session no matter where you are! Read below for some tips and some resources we’ve put together so anyone anywhere can get active!
During this confusing time of the COVID-19 outbreak, health is very important and essential to maintain. While taking precautions as directed by health care officials such as staying indoors, social distancing, and wearing masks is absolutely essential, there are several other changes that can positively affect your health and boost your immune system while toning your body and getting you summer-ready!
If you haven't got time to go shopping or cannot leave the house but you’re unsure what to make then take a look at your pantry. Household items we all have can turn into a great meal for yourself or the whole family. No extra ingredients required. These meals are very flexible so include what you have and use your own preferences and family size to determine quantities. You're the chef!
Whether you are a local or visitor, going through your regular routine or during a crisis, supporting local businesses can make a significant difference for both the businesses and the city of Calistoga.
Whether you work from home or are choosing to spend more time at home, falling off your healthy habits seems unavoidable but we’ve got some tips on staying healthy while you stay home.
With Valentine’s day around the corner, date nights planned, and kids school celebration preparations on the mind, it's easy to put yourself aside; but, lets not forget about your most important Valentine: yourself. Take time this month to feel the love that you have for yourself! Since we don’t often celebrate ourselves we’ll list out some ways to make sure you are taking time to care and love yourself this month.
With busy schedules it can be hard to accomplish everything on your to-do list and some things may fall through. And while exercise is on many people's list and it does get accomplished, yoga can be forgotten about. However; there is a reason why professional athletes take time out of their schedule to make room for yoga, and we suggest yoga to everyone.
The benefits of yoga have been proven to improve lives physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. However, there are various different forms and practices of yoga, and finding out more about what will work for you is the first step in starting your practice.
We hear talk about self-care so often, but what does it actually look like? Self-care can take many different forms, but the way we see it self-care means taking care of your body and mind in any way that improves your mood, spirit, and most importantly, your health. Take the time to love your body and mind with some of our helpful tips on practicing self-care.
With the seasons changing, darker evenings, and time change right around the corner, it can be easy to fall off your healthy eating habits. Picking up prepared food on your way home may seem like a good idea but can be seriously affecting your diet. To maintain a healthy diet try opting for any of our healthy Fall eating tips.
With International Yoga Day around the corner (June 21st), it’s a good time to learn a bit more about Yoga. Yoga has become a global favorite for both physical and mental exercise. What’s better: you don’t have to be a flexible yogi to reap its benefits. While there are so many different Yoga studios, types of Yoga practice and countless complex Yoga poses, Yoga shouldn’t overwhelm or intimidate because Yoga truly is for everyone.
With a new season comes adjustments to your schedule, and fitness is no different. However, Summer is unique because it usually means more family vacations, kids are off from school, and the days are longer. With this in mind, your fitness routine should adjust to better fit your Summer schedule. Here are a few ways to adjust your fitness regimen so you can get the most out of your Summer without sacrificing your health and wellness.
As a new mom, or mom of a few, it can be hard to shed that baby weight. If you don't know where to start, how to approach fitness after having a little one, or if you're preparing to have a baby then keep reading for some great tips from moms and personal trainers.
Everyone has a goal that seems too far to reach. Some common goals people have are building up endurance, doing a handstand, and doing a pull up. We’ve already given some tips on how to do a proper pull up, run a mile, and do a handstand. All of these goals are attainable and our trainers are here to help you get there. Keep reading for tips and techniques that will allow you to safely perform a box jump. Follow along the videos below and you’ll be doing box jumps in no time!
Get ready for Easter with some key egg recipes guaranteed to get your mouth watering. Keep reading for a simple, easy & hearty taco poached egg. Follow along Donavans’s recipe for a hearty breakfast filled with great sources of protein and flavor!
With Festival Season right around the corner it can be hard to find room for health, fitness, and wellness; however, there are some quick and easy ways to stay fit throughout festival season without missing out on all the fun. Keep reading for some tips and exercises you can do while at your favorite music festival.